Today I put down my to-do list. Sounds like no big deal, right? Not for me.
True story |
Maybe its because I have low-esteem, maybe its just because #MomLife, but my thoughts are like a hamster on a wheel, running to the point of exhaustion without actually getting anywhere.
So after trying and failing to "power through", I made an appointment at urgent care, and that little piece of paper that says "may return to work on 12/6" is like a permission slip to rest. Side note, can you believe I insisted on walking rather than waiting?! W.T.F. I really am cray cray.
Some people don't need to be convinced to slow down. I am not one of those people. It's really hard for me to accept help, but then I also get overwhelmed and irritable because I'm doing everything "alone". Makes no sense? I know. My heart isn't as logical as my hub!
Where were we again? Oh yeah,, opposites. It can be really tough when opposites smash full speed ahead into each other. It can also be really amazing when they coexist, each leaning on the other, for balance.
This adventure in mandatory mom-cation had a bit of a rocky start. The storm clouds were ominous and depressing before revealing their silver lining. So I turned, of course, to music, and that's the real reason for this post.
Music has always been a source of comfort for me, so as I was wrapping my mind around protecting my family's health by first protecting my own... I listened to a favorite ballad, "Superman (It's Not Easy)" by Five for Fighting. Of course, my hamster wheel brain kept right on spinning, thinking about the opposite message of another favorite, "Defying Gravity" by the Wicked Original Broadway Cast.
One song is full of compassion for the tired male hero: "men weren't meant to fly, with clouds between their knees"... and the other is full of fierce motivation from the newly flying female lead: "No one's gonna bring me dooooown". Well, they say life is all about balance right? This is my takeaway from overanalyzing my love of these very different songs:
It's okay to reach for the moon, and its okay to enjoy relax on the beach, and its okay to ask for what you need, because if you don't ask, how can you expect to receive?
Want to hear the lyrics that I love? I got you boo.
(Click here to listen to "Superman")
Then, do an about face and try its opposite. Leave a comment if you dare, I'd love to chat about it... right after a nice long nap... and yes, I know that "normal" people call nighttime naps by the name "sleep", but I own my weirdness, and labels are optional to keep.
(Click here to listen to "Defying Gravity")
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Xoxo
~ Mama Gali