Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 Today's insight - Society loves to tell us that we're wrong, and to judge us so often and so early that we can't help but judge ourselves too. 

This post doesn't have an image because I hesitated trying to find the perfect one, while also strongly believing that anything I chose would take away from whatever personal perspective each reader might need. 

It's not my place to tell you what to receive, I'm just putting this out, perfect in it's imperfection, and I hope that it will reach you at the right time, whenever that is. 

Read on, and feel free to comment or private message me your reaction, or not.


A message came loud and clear into my mind today, that it's okay to do things your way. 

The path that you choose is not wrong, no matter how persuasively or aggressively others might try to push you down another. 

So think for a moment about this path that you're choosing, and yes, open your eyes to the millions of choices big and small. You don't HAVE to choose THESE choices at all. 

Are you choosing these choices because they're really what you want? Because they're easy, or expected, comfortable or thrilling?

And choice that you're making right now in this moment, does it bring you peace? 

The choice is yours, and no one else's, and it's okay to do it your way, and no one elses. 


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