Monday, November 16, 2020

Perfect Imperfections

My name is Gali, and I'm a perfectionist. 

If that sentence reminded you of the share format of alcoholics anonymous, that was the point. Perfectionism, for me, feels like an addiction. The craving for organization amidst the chaos, and the guilt when I inevitably make a mess, is exactly like an addiction. 

Sometimes it feels like every area of my life is chaotic - my home, my relationships, my health, the list goes on. The joy and the curse of motherhood is that we constantly live in a world of the perfectly imperfect. Yes, 10 years from now my kids might remember that I rarely swept the floor, and that might affect their own future choices about how to maintain a household. They'll also remember the many times that we baked together, walked the neighborhood together, sang silly songs together. Perfectly imperfect. 

High-functioning anxiety plays a role too. Do I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect because I'm terrified to fail? Because the concept of imposter syndrome resonates so deeply with my life experience? Yep. And now that I recognize that anxiety isn't just shaking hands and a racing heart, it can also manifest in overthinking and overlapping and overstepping, well now I can get help.

Did you notice the rainbow, or the out of order colors, or both?

Whether its medication or mediation, therapy regularly or joining a gym, confiding in a friend, or registering for mt friend's course "Firing Ms. Perfect" ... awareness is way more than half the battle. My ducks are not in a row, heck I'm pretty sure there's a duck hanging with the dust bunnies under the couch and another trying to climb out of the pile of clothes on the bedroom floor, and that's okay.

So I confess that I'm perfectly imperfect. The acceptance part... I'll get back to you on that.

I know in my rational mind that I AM enough and AM loved, if I could only convince my heart of the same life would be peachy. 

Wishing you peace, love, and acceptance of the inevitable imperfections.


Mama Gali 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Give Me Just 3 Minutes of Your Time, I Dare You...

 "Time Well Wasted" - a new original poem 11/6/2020

"Time Well Wasted" 

- a new Gali Rosas original poem 11/6/2020

When your time runs out,

Whenever that might be,

Will you wish you'd done more?

When your time runs out,

Whether that's time today, time this weekend,  time in your life,

Will you be proud of all that you've accomplished?

When your time runs out,

And it's winding slowly down,

Will you look back on your choices with regret?

Ask yourself what it looks like,

When your time runs out,

And if you don't like the answer,

Choose a different choice. 

You always have options,

Even if you feel stuck,

And you're never alone 

In this journey.

#TimeWellWasted #Poem #FreebieFriday #GoForthAndBeAwesome

How long do you spend mindlessly scrolling? It's okay, I won't judge, my number is far higher than I'm proud to admit. 

What would you do with that time, if you could do anything in the world, and not fail? 

So often we procrastinate, we hesitate, we doubt our abilities, until suddenly, quick as a wink, quick as a blink, our hourglass is empty. We each are gifted with 1,440 minutes in each day/night, not a minute more, and not a minute less. How will YOU choose to spend your minutes?

- Will you give 110% at your job?

- Will you constantly tidy up, and keep a spotless home? 

-Will you pray without ceasing, and give your cares to God, or stress about everything, and constantly count down? 

-Will you make the world a better place, using what unique talents your own personal blend of nature and nurture has provided?

There is no one exactly like you on this planet or any other, and the world needs what you have to offer. So today, as you consider the minutes you have left, how will you choose to spend them?

Take back your time,
choose choice!

Your time is valuable, even if it's just scrolling time, and you have choices. Thank you for reading this far. Consider giving me just 3 minutes of your time, to read a recent post or watch a recent video, you won't regret it or your money back! #3MinuteChallenge

XoXo and Love Ya Lots,
