Friday, November 8, 2019

Kitchen Hack

FYI, this blog isn't all serious stuff, I'll be sharing recipes and jokes and random photos too.

So for those of us who cook, however that might look, have you ever had a pot boil over? To prevent the mess, try laying a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. I have no idea why, but it works.

As promised, here's a recipe:
5 Minute Oatmeal to Get You Going When You're Stuck
old fashioned oats
1 small apple
Raisins to taste (substitute/add prunes or apricots as desired)
A few shakes ground cinnamon (substitute sky cinnamon as desired 😋)
Brown sugar to taste (I suggest 1 tsp)

1. Boil water, 1 cup for 1 serving
2. As the water is boiling, dice (that means chop in itty bitty cubes) apple or other fruit
3. When the water is boiling, add oats (.5 cup for 1 serving), add raisins, apple cubes, cinnamon, and sugar
4. Cook 5 minutes (it might still look watery but fear not, it will set after you turn off the heat)
5. Serve warm and bon appetit!


  1. This is the way I used to make oatmeal:

    Old Fashioned Oats
    Banana slices

    Microwave and presto!
