Saturday, November 2, 2019

Happy Friday!


My coworkers all get really excited about Fridays because it's almost the weekend. (Well, except the ones who work Saturdays... tell them Happy Friday at your own risk).

Weekends are about hobbies, naps, fun events and relaxation... or so I used to think in the B.K. era... Before Kids.

For working moms of littles, the weekend brings a whole other type of stress. The weekend is a time when you're not required to be at work, and "should" be choosing from a mountain of to do list items that get put off during the work week. (Don't get me started on shoulds).

Example: putting away clean laundry, sorting the kids closets when they outgrew a size, sweeping/mopping, sleeping while the kids are sleeping (HA! More on that later), playing with the kids, meal prepping healthy food, grocery shopping, taking the kids to the library/zoo/park/fill in the blank, visiting family, self care.

Did you notice how my brain naturally ordered that list? Chores first because the mom-guilt is strong, then kids because they grow so fast, self care last (also more on that later), and poor hubby didn't even make the list. I recognize that this is a problem. I'm working on it.

So since I'm posting this "Happy Friday" vent post on Saturday (let's be real doing anything on time with a full time job, toddler, and infant is near-impossible), I'll close by simply saying enjoy the weekend, however you choose to spend it.


Peace, love, and pickles
~ Mama Gali


  1. This is great. Even stay st home moms have s never ending should do list.

    1. I hear that... the mom guilt is never ending whether you stay at home or work
