Sunday, November 3, 2019

Jealousy Solution: Flip. That. Script.

In the therapy world, it's advised not to compare yourself to others. This is MUCH easier said than done!

I find that my brain, like so many others, tends to focus on negative comparisons. "She's a better mom than me because she cooks healthier food" or "He's more successful than me because he makes more money". These comparisons are lies, and usually end up lowering my self-esteem and stealing my joy.

So what's the solution?

Don't worry y'all, I've got one! Next time you find yourself on the losing side of a comparison, try to "flip the script" and make it a "Creative Comparison"...

So if I'm jealous of my sister in law's DIY Halloween costumes and awesome sewing skills (true story) I'm going to FLIP. THAT. SCRIPT. and instead find 3 positive things about our Halloween.
1) The kids were adorable and had fun
2) Costumes were bought at a consignment sale so they didn't kill the budget (more on that soon!)
3)  After the indoor trunk or treat event, Annabelle had a blast putting sticker faces on sticker pumpkins. Thanks to her Aunt for sending those!

By switching the negative thoughts for positive ones, you can stop that liar brain of yours from making you feel like a poop emoji and realize that no one is perfect, and the grass is always greener where you water it. For more on how to "flip the script" check out the Facebook page "Ban the Shame" which is operated by my dear friend J.

 So friends, when you catch yourself comparing, "water your own grass" and stock up on happy memories. You'll need them for your patronus.

~Peace, love, and popcorn,
Mama Gali

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