Thursday, December 31, 2020

Life Lessons from 2020 *Spoiler Alert* Take Action

Do you want this year to be better? Me too. 

So what are we gonna do about it???

I say "we" because you're not alone, and neither am I. 90% of men, women, and children struggle on our path to success because we try to do it all and have it all without symbiotic support. Symbiotic is a fancy biology word for "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours". And you can fact-check that all you want, it's not fake news because 88% of all statistics are made up on the spot 😉.

My life lessons for 2020 are listed below, in a graphic, in a poem, in a list, because that's the way that my mind works. If you're in a rush, and too lazy to read all the way through (yeah I said it) here's a spoiler. The year, the month, the minute, they're as good or as bad as you decide that they'll be, and that's not an exaggeration. Each of us has so much more power over our attitude and over our circumstances than we give ourselves credit for. How do I know? 

I've learned it and I've lived it. 

If you need a scientific study to believe what I'm telling you, they're out there. If you prefer to pray about it, well nothing's standing in your way. If you prefer to just read on, and make up your own mind, c'mon then, here we go.

The Gali-Original Graphic

Pilot Your Path

The Gali-Original Poem

 "Here's How"

When we collaborate, 
when we conversate, 
when we courageously create,

THAT'S when the magic happens.

When we're authentic, when we're true, 
when we follow our hearts
stop thinking, and DO  

THAT'S when the magic happens.

Decision time friends.

Will you choose to keep waiting,
to keep wishing, to keep wanting,
Or will you take inspired action,

and make magic with me?

                                               The Gali-Original Bonus Poem

You don't need my permission, but you have it all the same.  
It's time to take the wheel and drive, or if you prefer, take the reins. 
Whatever metaphor you end up choosing, the end result doesn't change. 
The power is yours. The choice is yours.  
What you will you choose?

 The Gali-Original List

1. Dream Your Destiny
2. Plan Your Path
3. Take Inspired Action

So now that I've shared my life lessons from 2020 in all sorts of different formats, what have I decided

I've decided that I'm going to choose laughter. When my house and my heart feel chaotic, I'm going to choose not to scream, I'm going to choose not to stress, I'm going to choose not to cry. Instead, I choose laughter, I choose love, I choose life. And if and when I forget, I'll give myself permission to try again.

Those moments of the day, those Manic Mondays and Terrible Tuesdays, each ordinary playlist of Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat. Those moments make the memories that we'll look back on when we're older. One of my favorite songs taught me how many minutes make up a year (spoiler alert - its 525,600 minutes), and we have so much more power over how we spend those minutes than we believe.

So if you feel trapped, then move. You're not a tree! 

It really is that simple. Now, I'm not advising you to quit your job today, but I'm also not advising you to stay. I'm just saying, stop overcomplicating everything, stop living in a prison of your creation and then complaining that its uncomfortable. Now, before you accuse me living in a glass house and throwing stones, I hear myself. I know that these words are for me as much as for you. Personally, I believe God gave me this gift over words so that I can use it. So that when I put pen to paper and when my fingers fly, maybe, just maybe, I'll stop stop "I". Maybe my eyes will be opened at last, and maybe yours will too.

So as 2020 comes to an end, my lessons learned are these. Choose Laughter. Choose Life. Choose Joy. Choose them every minute of every day, and if you stumble, get back up. It won't be easy, but you're not alone, and neither am I.  The bible says "All things are possible...", and if you fire your cynical side, your skeptical side, your doubts, maybe you'll start to believe it as much as I do.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Take inspired action TODAY. There's really no reason to wait, and let me know how it goes. I'd love to support you on this wild ride, and even share mine too.

If you haven't made it this far, well you've already clicked away, so you won't even see when I release my inner toddler and use a gif to make a face at you!


Sending you peace, love, and light, in this year and the next,
Your friend, Mama Gali

Monday, November 16, 2020

Perfect Imperfections

My name is Gali, and I'm a perfectionist. 

If that sentence reminded you of the share format of alcoholics anonymous, that was the point. Perfectionism, for me, feels like an addiction. The craving for organization amidst the chaos, and the guilt when I inevitably make a mess, is exactly like an addiction. 

Sometimes it feels like every area of my life is chaotic - my home, my relationships, my health, the list goes on. The joy and the curse of motherhood is that we constantly live in a world of the perfectly imperfect. Yes, 10 years from now my kids might remember that I rarely swept the floor, and that might affect their own future choices about how to maintain a household. They'll also remember the many times that we baked together, walked the neighborhood together, sang silly songs together. Perfectly imperfect. 

High-functioning anxiety plays a role too. Do I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect because I'm terrified to fail? Because the concept of imposter syndrome resonates so deeply with my life experience? Yep. And now that I recognize that anxiety isn't just shaking hands and a racing heart, it can also manifest in overthinking and overlapping and overstepping, well now I can get help.

Did you notice the rainbow, or the out of order colors, or both?

Whether its medication or mediation, therapy regularly or joining a gym, confiding in a friend, or registering for mt friend's course "Firing Ms. Perfect" ... awareness is way more than half the battle. My ducks are not in a row, heck I'm pretty sure there's a duck hanging with the dust bunnies under the couch and another trying to climb out of the pile of clothes on the bedroom floor, and that's okay.

So I confess that I'm perfectly imperfect. The acceptance part... I'll get back to you on that.

I know in my rational mind that I AM enough and AM loved, if I could only convince my heart of the same life would be peachy. 

Wishing you peace, love, and acceptance of the inevitable imperfections.


Mama Gali 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Give Me Just 3 Minutes of Your Time, I Dare You...

 "Time Well Wasted" - a new original poem 11/6/2020

"Time Well Wasted" 

- a new Gali Rosas original poem 11/6/2020

When your time runs out,

Whenever that might be,

Will you wish you'd done more?

When your time runs out,

Whether that's time today, time this weekend,  time in your life,

Will you be proud of all that you've accomplished?

When your time runs out,

And it's winding slowly down,

Will you look back on your choices with regret?

Ask yourself what it looks like,

When your time runs out,

And if you don't like the answer,

Choose a different choice. 

You always have options,

Even if you feel stuck,

And you're never alone 

In this journey.

#TimeWellWasted #Poem #FreebieFriday #GoForthAndBeAwesome

How long do you spend mindlessly scrolling? It's okay, I won't judge, my number is far higher than I'm proud to admit. 

What would you do with that time, if you could do anything in the world, and not fail? 

So often we procrastinate, we hesitate, we doubt our abilities, until suddenly, quick as a wink, quick as a blink, our hourglass is empty. We each are gifted with 1,440 minutes in each day/night, not a minute more, and not a minute less. How will YOU choose to spend your minutes?

- Will you give 110% at your job?

- Will you constantly tidy up, and keep a spotless home? 

-Will you pray without ceasing, and give your cares to God, or stress about everything, and constantly count down? 

-Will you make the world a better place, using what unique talents your own personal blend of nature and nurture has provided?

There is no one exactly like you on this planet or any other, and the world needs what you have to offer. So today, as you consider the minutes you have left, how will you choose to spend them?

Take back your time,
choose choice!

Your time is valuable, even if it's just scrolling time, and you have choices. Thank you for reading this far. Consider giving me just 3 minutes of your time, to read a recent post or watch a recent video, you won't regret it or your money back! #3MinuteChallenge

XoXo and Love Ya Lots,


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Just One Person

Do you ever feel like your dreams or desires are too huge/impossible, so what's the point in even trying?

I wonder how many of our heroes felt the same. 

When someone that we admire dies, memorials and obituaries usually focus on their accomplishments and their impact on others. 

How often have you seen or heard a comment about an idolized person, "she was plagued by self-doubt" or "He wasn't even that special"... not often, right?

We put these people up on a pedestal, because it gives on a excuse to expect less from ourselves. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a rockstar, and her legacy will be written in the history books for years to come. Mahatma Ghandi was a legend, and I could never do what he did. Mother Theresa, Oprah, Donald Trump (yeah you read that right - keep reading) all these people are game-changers whether you agree with/align with their results or not. These are names that mean something (no comment on what they mean...). 

This is not a political post, this is not an invitation to attack one side or another. This is an invitation to stop holding yourself (and others!) back. Stop censoring your dreams and mine.

Yes, I'm just one person, but clearly, recent events have shown us that one person can havs a pretty amazing impact on the world. 

In the Passover Hagaddah, there is a song called "Dayenu" (sing it with me Hebrew school peeps!) - and it translates to "It would have been enough". Had God freed us from slavery and not smited our enemies, it would have been enough. Had God fed us in the desert and not given us the Torah it would have been enough. Had God done this and this and this and that, it would have been enough... and still He blessed us with more. 

So consider this. Had RBG fought and won 1 case in front of the Supreme Court, and not become a justice herself, it would have been enough. Had she championed women's right to work for equal pay without the level discrimination of the 1930s, it would have been enough. It would have been enough, but still she didn't rest, she didn't stop fighting for change, she kept pushing and working towards her goals. And wow what an impact she had. Whether you support her views or not, you can't deny that she left a legacy, and I'm here to tell you that so can you.

Stop telling yourself this "I'm just one person" (insert swear if you want) narrative.

Stop selling yourself short.

Yes, I'm just one person, but one person CAN change the world. So join me. Or don't. I'm gonna do it anyway 😁

If you liked what you read, and also if you didn't, click here for a catchy song with some pretty fun lyrics about the power of "little people" and don't ever think it's an insult to call me little, because my heart is big.


Mama Gali

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Take Back Your Power

Have you ever felt powerless? 
I sure have.

 When I pooped my pants (more than once) as a seemingly healthy adult, I felt powerless over my body and my invisible illness. When I started having passive suicidal thoughts out of nowhere during sophomore year of college, I felt powerless over my mind (cue invisible illness #2, lucky me). I've powerless over relationships, over weight loss, over career, over parenting, over stress levels, over housework and car maintenance.

The feeling of being powerless is isn't new to me, and it wasn't born from the current pandemic, although it does feel like it got a steroid boost lately.

What's new is my growing confidence. What's new is my tribe of online friends, the domino effect of one fb group leading to another and another and the immense value that each of those lovely ladies has brought into my life. 

To a friend that makes me smile, YOU HAVE POWER.

Shout out to Elizabeth for the card making materials. I hope that you like what I've done and am doing with them. Click here to check out her gorgeous designs and card kits for sale!

So today I'm committing to taking back my power. Because yes, broken crayons still color, but we also need to stop believing this lie that we're all broken. Let's collect all those pieces of our soul crayons, stick em in a star shaped mold and melt ourselves into something new and unique and amazing.

Crohn's Disease won't defeat me, I refuse to let it. I've learned my food triggers and my stress triggers, and I HAVE POWER, if not to cure, at least to "take steps" and manage it. I have power to register for CCFA Take Steps and fundraise for research. I have power to take care of my body before it takes care of me.

General Anxiety Disorder and Bipolar Disorder won't defeat me, I refuse to let them. I have so much to live more, so many things to see and do, so many people who's days I can brighten before I leave this world. I've learned my triggers, and many many coping techniques, and now it's up to me, to use that knowledge.

Knowledge is power. So read articles, watch videos, talk to others, listen to that still small voice that guides you from within. Take back your power, and stop waiting for a better tomorrow to fall into your lap.

We can make each day better, in a million tiny ways, you have the power, even when you feel the most powerless. Are you with me?

Mama Gali

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Hesitate vs. Don't Wait

 Hesitate! Wait that's not right... What I really mean is don't wait! 

So often in life we hold ourselves back. We keep that random compliment instead when we like a stranger's outfit, or a friend's artwork, or a relative's parenting style. 

As a parent and a child, I am always telling my daughter how proud I am of her achievements, and hearing the same from my mom and dad. Of course that's fantastic, but somehow it almost feels required, and doesn't have that same impact and getting a compliment from a stranger. 

The 5 Second Rule from Mel Robbins (link at the end) says that if you have an instinct to do something, and don't act within 5 seconds, you'll likely talk yourself out of it. 

So don't wait, don't allow yourself to hesitate, share that meme or article with the person you haven't talked to in 10 years but know would love it. Comment on their posts about their new business, their recent wedding, their adorable kids. It's not as awkward as it feels, and it just might open a window to a magical conversation. 

Today I wrote a new poem, I thought of it during a shower, so when I was all done I made a choice to record it in a towel. Then I made another choice, to share it instead of hiding, maybe I'm crazy or maybe I'm brave, and maybe my family will chide me. I made sure I was covered, so no worries there, if you're anti-cursing, I said bad-a, beware. Now im stuck in a rhyming loop, my creative brain dancing like a hula hoop, I hope you'll check out my vid on YouTube, and comment your thoughts, even if you feel like a noob. I really enjoy hearing it when you let your feedback loose, so let your thoughts free like a charging moose 🤣, let your feathers stand out, like a tropical part, let yourself rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

We need more laughter, more love, and more light, so join me in sharing, and in fighting the good fight. Of course, I'll still love you if you happen to disagree, just now that I've finally found my voice, and now there's no stopping me.

I'm a lion AND a lamb 

I'm all those traits 

and many more

So take a minute and think

 on what YOU want to be

And toddle or fly through

 that open door

As always, thanks for reading this far. Sending positive vibes, encouragement, and love. 

Acknowledgements, thanks, and lovely links to those who played a part in inspiring this post are listed here:

Mel Robbins' book -5 Second Rule

Diane's podcast - a friend, muse, flame-fanner

Deb's website - a friend, boss, and role model

Deanna's facebook group - a block breaker, author's aide, creative caretaker

Lisa's Instagram - a jedi mary poppins glass ceiling breaker and impossible dream maker

My new video poem - Take 5 Minutes and Live


Mama Gali

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Calling All Overthinkers!

 What if I say _____ and my friends, my family, my boss judge it harshly? I'll end up alone, unloved, fired, and generally much worse off than if I had just kept my mouth shut.

What if I try as hard as I can to hide my weaknesses and it's still not good enough? 

Sound familiar? Omg me too! If you're reading this and the rabbithole of anxiety and negative self-talk sounds familiar, believe me when I tell you that you're not alone.

You are so freaking far from being alone in analyzing every possible negative outcome that if all of us overthinkers linked hands our chain would stretch to the moon and back at least 8 times, but we can't literally do that because we'd all get covid and also someone would accidentally let go (just for a second) to scratch an itch and then the rest of the chain would slowly float away and be lost in space and the survivor's guilt would cripple the rest of us and can you imagine how terrible that would be?!

How's that for a run-on sentence 🤣

Yeah I'm totally the indirect/oversharing
and always overthinking type 🤣

You might tell me: STOP. 
Just stop. Ha! 

If only I could flip a switch, and turn off that constantly overthinking part of myself,  and just live and breathe and work and play and exist! Actually... if that magic switch did exist, it would probably come with such a high price tag that I'd overthink even the decision to use it and lay there, a quivering puddle of anxiety and stress, or worse, an overmedicated underachieving zombie.

My friend Anke explains the experience so well with her flamenco guitar story (link below). So many of us let that analytical, anxious, perfectionist piece bully our hearts, our instincts, our passions.

Over the past few years I've been learning and practicing and struggling to dam the river of worries, to stand up to that bully within, and to show the world my authentic self. 

Thanks for reading this far.
 I hope that you'll join me when I stand up and kick fear in the face - hiyah!

Before we go, 
how bout a show?
 Read this in slow mo
Or fast as you can!

 Time to rhyme 
and play with slime 
then wash off the grime 
try to make a dime
 drink a margarita with lime pretend to be a mime
Oh look at the time
Bye bye 👋 

Sending peace, love, and hope your way and let's chat about anything on any day oops now im stuck in this rhyming loop go find a gif of a friendly ...

Xoxo Mama Gali

P.S. Shout out to Debbie Aka Authentic Deb for always inspiring authenticity and teaching by example that badass unicorn mojo.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Comparison Curse

 What You Have

The truth behind my smile

Always wanting 

Never satisfied 

Second best

Last place

I feel unworthy, unsure, uncomfortable...


  •  I want what you have! 

My false confidence feels like a shoddy knock off of the "real" thing.

  • I want what you have!

You seem to breeze through life with ease, while I struggle to even get out of bed.

  • I want what you have!

Such an extraordinary gift: with words, with kids, with cookies.

  • I want what you have!

A giving heart, always caring and kind.

  • I want what you have!

Boundless energy, instead of being always tired.

Have you ever noticed that we're always comparing, always coveting the facade of others, without ever questioning, the flipside of the coin. Well here's my flipside, and it's not so shiny.

You say that you want what I have, well, be careful what you wish for, because I have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety. 

When I breeze through life, I feel untethered, longing to feel the ground beneath my feet. My gifts for words, for baking, for kids, leave me drained when I can't manage to turn them off at bedtime. That giving heart that you love and appreciate, that comes from an ache in my soul, from wishing and yearning that others would reach out to me too. That boundless energy, yeah... that's called mania, and that can be just as dangerous as the crippling depression that's sure to follow.

So when you wish for what I have, be careful... you just might get it, and trust me, it's no picnic.

Maybe, after seeing the ordinary human behind that curtain of magic and mystery, you will still want what I have... I'd gladly trade if I could. Or maybe you'll think twice about yourself, and give yourself the credit that others give you, because believe it or not, we want what YOU have too.


Mama Gali

Friday, July 31, 2020

What's calling you?

A job is great
it pays the bills
careers achieve our goals

But a calling
fans the flame within
fills the hole
inside our souls

This is going to be a short post (relatively) because it's really a teaser to inspire new viewers to check out some other places, previous posts, my poetry book (!), a few really incredible fb groups, etc. (Links to all at the end.) This post is about the voices that call us, like the voice that calls Elsa in Frozen II, like the voice that talks to Lizzie McGuire in that old Disney tv show, like the gut feeling that whispers do this or do that or sometimes... don't.  

We are all called to think and say and do all kinds of things. Not everyone knows their "true calling", but maybe you've heard that little nudge in your heart, and maybe following its advice will take you one step closer. 

Above is an excerpt from a poem called "Calling" and there's plenty more where that came from.

When nature calls, in whatever way that manifests, heed the call. 

Take it from someone who shat their pants literally and figuratively, don't wait.

I challenge you to try

Mama Gali

Monday, July 13, 2020

Life Hack - Permission to Prioritize

Life Hack #782

Remember that you're human,

 and choose 3 high priority tasks from your list.

Let me say it louder for those in the back...



Even before I became a mom, but definitely more so now that I juggle a full time job and two kids under age 4, I felt the need to accomplish alllllll the things. If I walked a mile, I'd kick myself for not running it. If I drank an extra glass of water, I'd kick myself for still not drinking the recommended 8 glasses per day. For some idiotic, idiopathic reason, I have consistently and constantly pushed myself harder than is reasonable, and responded to the inevitable perceived failures with depression and burnout. This "If I don't do everything then I've failed" mindset hasn't served me well, and with this post I commit to do the work of kicking it to the curb. And yes, it's work. I will slip up, and that's okay. Every moment is an opportunity to restart the effort. 

Anyone else guilty of
trying to do everything?

Changing a deeply ingrained thought pattern isn't easy, so I hope that if you're reading this, you'll help to hold me accountable. When I reach out to you, and even when I don't, take a second to remind us both, that no one asked us to do everything. At work, around the house, in parenthood, and on vacation, it's okay to not do everything. Sometimes, I even follow my own advice and relax! 

  • Sometimes my kids eat ice cream for breakfast, but at least they're getting dairy in their diet. 
  • Sometimes we eat microwave nuggets and baby carrots smothered in ranch, but at least we are blessed with food and electricity. 

When people say "Count Your Blessings", I don't think they intend for us to pretend that life isn't stormy, and stressful, and sticky (how are toddlers always sticky?!). For me (and you can quote me on this) to count your blessings means to look for rainbows and silver linings, to focus with every step on that light at the end of the tunnel, and to give ourselves the grace of not constantly seeking more, and better, and faster. 

💃   Who cares if people stare 
when you dance in the rain
they're just jealous that
 they haven't given themselves
 permission to dance too! 💃

So next time someone rains on your proverbial parade, smile through it, flip them a mental bird, and use that rain to fuel your growth! You are a badass, unicorn, lovely and loved rockstar, and in case you haven't given it to your yourself, you have my permission to kick fear in the face and live your best life. (Of course, if your best life includes leaving a comment on this blog or sharing the link with a friend, that's would be super fantastic and I wouldn't hold you back... 😆)

SHOUT OUT to Diane Xuereb and Denise Pink for inspiring this post with their recent podcast, "What If It's Not True". (Click this link to listen)

Sending vibes of peace and love,
light and laughter, and lots of relaxation,
from your friend and mama bear,
Gali (internationally-known* author of "Love Louder" 💞)

*Disclaimer: The people who know me internationally already knew me before publication, and may or may not be friends and family. Either way, sounds pretty cool, right? 😆

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The words we choose
 can make or break
 someone's day.
New poem titled "Compliments"

Compliments are free
So let's share them
and more.

A kind word
has great power
to heal, lift hearts, 

Let's give our kindness wings
Let it loose upon the world
It's time to love much louder
Leave hesitation at the door.

It doesn't hurt to try 
It's worth it for the joy
Worst case you get a funny look
Best case their heart will soar

This poem is inspired by Patty, a lovely lady that I've never met, who completely out of the blue sent me a private message expressing gratitude that I had commented on a popular Facebook post "holding a posture of inquiry rather than judgment".

Her message overflowed with kindness, and ended by saying "Thank you for being!".

There was no adjective after the word 'being', this person I've never met simply wanted to show appreciation for my very existence in the world.


What a lovely and powerful
 self-esteem boost! 

So often in life, we hesitate and keep our compliments trapped inside. Let's stop being so afraid of kindness, let's find small opportunities to #LoveLouder,  and let's start RIGHT NOW. The world needs more "earth angels" and we CAN make our little corner brighter by amplifying incidents of generosity and love. It's the easiest way to combat the hardship and hate that makes life so hard.

I hope that if you read this, you'll try the #LoveLouderChallenge, and give compliments more often, to friends, family, and strangers.

Try it and you'll see the power of the compliment. Try it because why not, what have you got to lose?

Friday, July 10, 2020

It Takes A Village

Q: Have you ever blushed, or wished you were invisible, 
when your kid had a tantrum in public? 

A: Sure you have, and I have too,
this mommy thing ain't easy.

We let society tell us that kids are best seen and not heard, adorable accessories to be photographed and cooed at, patted and patronized. Guess what mamas, that is SO NOT COOL! Our babies, our toddlers, our tweens and teens, they're not just mini-adults. Research basically says that young kids are programmed to be selfish.

When kids hit, and bite, and shout "mine", yes we need to teach them about respect, but we also need to recognize that they think in terms of "me, me, me" because they literally DON'T KNOW HOW to see the world from another person's perspective. (Shout out to Jean Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development)

They say "It takes a village to raise a child" and that's absolutely true.

Raising kids is like 
a sticky, speedy, scary rollercoaster, 
and it doesn't come with a control switch. 

So next time that you see a mom making the "Don't test me" face, or juggling a baby and a shopping basket, offer to help. Read my new poem "We Take Care" (below) and consider making a funny face at the fussy baby, or asking the mom if you can hold her groceries so that she can adjust the baby. There are lots of ways to help that aren't actually that hard.


Wouldn't you want someone to do the same for you, or your daughter, or your mom?

So be on the look out for the stressed out mamas, find ways to let them know that they're not alone, that the village isn't just there to judge, and that they can handle this challenge.

We Take Care

We take care of baby brother,
because it's the right thing to do.
It really does take a village,
And I'll soothe your baby too

If you'll let me,
I'll make silly faces.
I mean no harm,
I promise.

I'll tire them out,
By running races,
We all need a break,
From the constant chases.

So open your heart,
To those knowing looks and smiles,
We're not in this alone,
As we struggle tired miles.

We take care of other moms,
Because it's the right thing to do.
Please pay the favor forward, 

When its someone else, near you.

Thanks for reading.
You're gorgeous, you're strong,
and you've got a great heart.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Pick Up A Poem

Good morning world wide web, another day brings another poem. 

Today's poem is actually about poetry itself, and gives a little peek into why I write, and why you might want to read it. Please enjoy my newest original work below, and if it resonates, consider leaving a virtual tip or reading more here

Manifesting works! Who woulda thunk...

Pick Up A Poem

When life knocks you down, 
and you're not ready to get up, 
pick up a poem.

Pick up a poem
Or write one yourself
Resonate and recover
As you take a deep breath

There's so much to love
beauty lives all around us
so pick up a poem
you'll be glad that you did

For my entire childhood and even into adulthood, my mom would tell me "life isn't fair". I must've heard that almost every day as a teenager, because I wanted so badly for there to be justice. Sometimes the unfairness dims our inner light. Sometimes the flame within our hearts takes so much effort to maintain, that we wonder if it's even worth trying. Anyone who's tried online dating would probably recognize that feeling. The phrase "you're not alone" isn't a cliche, it's a fact. 

LIFE ISN'T FAIR, and that can be really a tough thing to handle when you're the one getting beaten down by the short end of the stick. Platitudes like "it'll get better" might be well-intentioned, but they're really hard to believe when you're sitting in the muck. So here's a different strategy, pick up a poem, or write on of your own.

OMG you guys I published some of my poetry!

If you have any questions about the self-publishing process, or poetry, or motherhood, or anything under the sun or beyond, I'm happy to chat.

Sometimes all that we want is to give up and wallow in apathetic frustration, or scream in pain and rage, and those are the moments when we need a friend or stranger to #LoveLouder and fan our flame.

Sending vibes of peace and positivity
love and light
hope and help,


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Yes I'm Gross, and So Are You

We're ALL gross.

Whether it's the 5 second rule for dropped food, or allowing your dog to lick your spoon, we're all gross in different ways.

You know it's true, so WHY are we still so ashamed to admit the things that we do (or don't do) that are gross?

Some people compare their lives to a dumpster fire, and everyone thinks that it's a joke, but I say that it's time to turn off the Instagram filters of our lives and stop being so ashamed. 

Yes I'm gross, and you are too, and that's okay. Once we find the courage to speak the truth out loud, maybe we can all stop feeling so freaking bad about ourselves.

They say that comparison is the death of happiness, but it's really really hard to stop. The funny/sad part is that so many times we compare ourselves super negatively to these personas that people project. Well it's actually true that no one's perfect, and we'd come out a whole lot better if we only knew the secrets that our idols were hiding. 

Here's a silly poem with a list of some ways that people are gross. If you feel like guessing which of these apply to me, leave a comment and I'll tell you if you were right, scout's honor.

Some People Are Gross
Some people don't shower daily 
And some people don't vacuum or sweep
Some people don't typically brush their teeth before they go to sleep

Some people wear the same clothes twice 
And some people forget to dry them (times four)
Some people leave their underwear on the bathroom floor

Some people eat food that fell on the floor
And some people cut off the moldy part
some people buy breakfast and lunch from the warmers at the gas mart

Some people sneeze into their tshirts
And some people spit phlegm in the street
Some people pick their noses and wipe it under the seat

Some people text on the toilet 
And some people talk on the phone there
Some people burp, fart, blow their noses, on speakerphone without a care. 

Some people leave dishes dirty, 
and some people like pineapple on pizza
Some are more gross than others despite the best efforts of mothers.

So next time you think that someone's gross,
don't judge as harshly as before,
If you're honest, you're gross also,
You just do it behind closed doors. 

Three baskets waiting to be put away,
but hey, at least they're clean!
If my college sweetheart turned husband had known even half of my gross habits when we first started dating, would we have spent all those nights trading "no, you hang up first"? I'm leaning towards probably not. Without a doubt, there's a time and a place to let your gross flag fly, for example, definitely NOT during a job interview. 

Our closest friends and relatives won't cut us out of their lives if we don't clean all night before they visit, but on the other hand, if you need some motivation to stop being a slob, hosting a game night is a pretty good one!

So yes, I'm gross, and you are too, and that's okay. I'm going to go brush my teeth now, for the first time in… more than a day. 

Open toothpaste tube, random puppet, dirty sink,
Guess I've got some cleaning to do

Shout out to my kids for being daily reminders that we're all gross by nature, and if we work as a team, we can be a little more clean.

Tired Mama

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Heaviest Burden

The heaviest burdens 

are the ones that we place 

on ourselves.
~ Gali Rosas 


Comic Credit - Meg Adams
During the current coronavirus crisis, more than ever before, we moms have too many plates spinning, and like a circus act designed to make us laugh, sometimes the plates come crashing down on us. Spoiler alert: It's not as funny outside of the circus. We (or at least I) often think that multitasking is the best way to get it all done, but science shows that we're not as great at multitasking as we assume. (Find the research details and data by clicking here.)
I've been juggling parenting, working from home, maintaining a neat/clean house, self care, and wifeing. (If my hubby is reading this, please know that I'm working on re-ordering that list ASAP). You would think that someone who measures 4 feet 10 inches tall would set the bar a little bit lower, but even as I type, I realize what an impossible goal I've set for myself. 

Yes, we do have an IKEA Cirkustalt...
Yes, it's as awesome as it looks

Going back to the circus metaphor, multitasking is like turning your back on the roaring lion (but just for a minute) to walk the tightrope. Both of these acts require tremendous focus, and we would never expect a circus performer to do them all at once.

No one is asking me to dehydrate myself because the dishes aren't done, or the laundry hasn't been folded in weeks. No one is asking me to rescue my 10 month old from death by dog food instead of letting him cry it out in a toy-filled pack n play for 5 more minutes. No one is asking me to stay inside all day, hating myself for avoiding chores, and getting more depressed with each passing minute. This is a bar that I've set for myself, and it's time to lower it.
It's time to recognize that giving 110% in 5 areas at once is not sustainable. It's time to set aside the guilt, the stress, the fear of failure, and set ourselves up for success. One more time for the people in the back: IT'S OKAY TO TAKE A BREAK. It's okay to do cosmic kids yoga (try it here), or eat the fruit snacks that you really bought for yourself, or take a freaking shower without your kids. The world won't collapse if the dishes sit in the sink for an extra 2 hours.

(if you haven't been there you're lying)

So I'm writing this as a reminder, to myself, and to anyone else bored enough to read this, that it's okay to take turns. It's okay to stop multi-tasking, turn on Frozen for what feels like the billionth time this year, and breathe (FYI circle breathing is amazing - click here to try it). Trust me, using the electronic babysitter in moderation will help everyone (your kids, your husband, and most of all your mental and physical health) to not just survive, but thrive. 

Tired Mama