Monday, November 11, 2019

Why I Love the Library

I love libraries and I'm not afraid to say so!
Growing up, I had a small library about 2 blocks from my house. After school and on weekends I'd grab a big bag, leash up the dog, and walk over to Parkville Branch. They had a bike rack outside where doggies would wait while I filled up my goodie bag with books and movies. Whether you're bored, on a budget, or a bookworm, the local library truly has something for everyone.

I'll admit, often my book haul would be heavier than recommended for middle school shoulders, (free weight lifting!), but I wouldn't trade those walks for anything. 

Hi, my name is Gali and I'm addicted to books. On the bright side, its only a problem if it impairs functioning, right?
Thankful for tacos, I hear that!

Visiting the local library, first with my mom, then with friends, now with my own kids, has taught me so much. I have an excellent vocabulary, and an appreciation for figurative language.
Cookie monster is obsessed with chocolate chip treats, Gali monster is obsessed with books. Give me a good book and a few hours to read, and I'll be one happy mama.

Honest confession, recently I haven't been reading for pleasure as much as I once did. Why? Mountains of required reading in college, full time job and full time family, and social media ruining my attention span are a few of my excuses.

Anyway, today I had a stack of books to return (my eyes are definitely bigger than my bookshelf) so I packed up the kids and headed over to Harris County Public Library Lone Star College Branch. We easily spent 2 hours there, and skipping her nap helped my toddler get to bed early.

(Practical life item: Lacing)

Simple puzzles with large knobs - great for infants/beginners

I left the library with a stack of books, a new friend, and a happy heart.

Thanks HCPL and LSC, for a wonderful afternoon.

Spin a story: early literacy sequencing game

Manipulatives for little hands

 Board teaching colors, numbers, animals, & latches

So, long story short,
why do love the library?
Here's a list:
  • So many books!
  • Puzzles
  • Coloring table 
  • Kids corner with puppets and games 
  • Infant/toddler Storytime
  • Social clubs
  • Creative seasonal decor
  • Magazines
  • DVDs/Blu-Ray
  • Teaches responsibility by charging for late returns
  • Computers
  • Mommy friends
  • Free air conditioning in summer

  • Did I mention all the books?
  • Ebooks
  • Audiobooks 
  • Graphic novels 
  • Books to encourage good behavior 86y z
  • Books to talk about sensitive topics like divorce
P.S. There's an app for that. Yes y'all, it's TRUE, libraries are NOT obsolete. They have Instagram accounts and multiple free apps (Libby, Overdrive) and computer classes too! Check out your local library, or mine, for more details and the event calendar.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Kitchen Hack

FYI, this blog isn't all serious stuff, I'll be sharing recipes and jokes and random photos too.

So for those of us who cook, however that might look, have you ever had a pot boil over? To prevent the mess, try laying a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. I have no idea why, but it works.

As promised, here's a recipe:
5 Minute Oatmeal to Get You Going When You're Stuck
old fashioned oats
1 small apple
Raisins to taste (substitute/add prunes or apricots as desired)
A few shakes ground cinnamon (substitute sky cinnamon as desired 😋)
Brown sugar to taste (I suggest 1 tsp)

1. Boil water, 1 cup for 1 serving
2. As the water is boiling, dice (that means chop in itty bitty cubes) apple or other fruit
3. When the water is boiling, add oats (.5 cup for 1 serving), add raisins, apple cubes, cinnamon, and sugar
4. Cook 5 minutes (it might still look watery but fear not, it will set after you turn off the heat)
5. Serve warm and bon appetit!

Speak Up

Speak UP

Speak UP for those in the back,
For those who live in fear,
For those who have no voice.

Speak UP for those in the dark,
For those who need to hear
what you have to say.

Speak UP for your friends,
for your family,
for your neighbors.

Maybe I'm not my brother's keeper,
But I can be his advocate,
his friend,
his megaphone.

So if there's a thought, a hug, an "I love you" waiting to be unleashed from the bowels of your brain, set it free, let it go, share it, because "Love is a powerful thing to waste".

For more poems, motivational quotes, and cuteness, follow me on Instagram @galigaligumdrop

Peace, love, and free hugs,
~Mama Gali