Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today, I'm thankful that I have 8 clean bottles in preparation for hubby being away for an overnight work trip. Since Noah drinks about 5 bottles each day, this takes some pressure off of bedtime.

Since its almost 2 am, I'm off to dreamland.

Peace, love, and Similac
~Mama Gali

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Invest in Yourself, Because You're Worth It

Education is priceless. Okay I know sometimes its expensive (dont get me started on college tuition) but sometimes it's free, if we only open our minds and ears to accept it.

Today I took a professional development class offered by my employer called "Invest in Your Debt ". The teacher told us he had quit his job as a tenured professor to teach businesses various courses as a private consulting. I got up the courage to ask a few questions during the 10 minute break, and I'm so glad that I did. Dr. Watson was encouraging and gave me some excellent advice.

The bible says "ask and ye shall receive" and the more I ask, the more confirmation I receive that this is an honest truth.

So be confident, be courageous, get out of your comfort zone and take the leap. The millionaire mindset begins with an investment in yourself.

Peace, love, and positive energy,
~ Mama Gali

I Need Help

Three little words that can make a world of difference... I. Need. Help.

I know the difference that asking for help can make, and yet for me and many others, it is REALLY hard to ask for what you need. I've been thinking about communication lately. I've been thinking about why I feel like I'm drowning sometimes, and why I hate reaching out, and how I can change my communication style to catch myself before I go over the edge.

This is what I came up with. (Arg let me change that, not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition...) Here's a list of my discoveries:

  •  I don't always know what, specifically, I need, and don't have the energy for follow up questions 
  • I don't want to be a burden
  • I "should" be strong enough to handle xyz (more on "shoulds" in a future post)
  • Assertiveness is not my strong suit
  • I avoid confrontation 
So, if I don't know what I need, and I don't like to be a burden, how can I avoid this feeling of drowning (in debt, in laundry, in stress, etc.). I came up with another list as a solution.

  • Be direct/specific - ex: Can we have breakfast for dinner and get to bed early? I'm tired.
  • Ask and ye shall receive  (on the flip side of that is if you don't ask, you probably won't receive) 
  • Reach out when things are good, if you wait until they're not, it'll only be tougher 
  • Offer help to others when you can (what goes around comes around kinda thing)
  • Accept help when its offered (ex: if someone offers to pay for your lunch when you're struggling, accept the gift and pay it forward later) 
Okay so that's a lot of lists for tonight, and as Robert Frost wrote in one of my favorite poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, "I've got promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."

Peace, love, and sweet dreams
~Midnight Mama