Thursday, December 2, 2021

Opposites Attract for A Reason


Today I put down my to-do list. Sounds like no big deal, right? Not for me.

True story 

       Maybe its because I have low-esteem, maybe its just because #MomLife, but my thoughts are like a hamster on a wheel, running to the point of exhaustion without actually getting anywhere. 

      So after trying and failing to "power through", I made an appointment at urgent care, and that little piece of paper that says "may return to work on 12/6" is like a permission slip to rest. Side note, can you believe I insisted on walking rather than waiting?! W.T.F. I really am cray cray. 

      Some people don't need to be convinced to slow down. I am not one of those people. It's really hard for me to accept help, but then I also get overwhelmed and irritable because I'm doing everything "alone". Makes no sense? I know. My heart isn't as logical as my hub!

      Where were we again? Oh yeah,, opposites. It can be really tough when opposites smash full speed ahead into each other. It can also be really amazing when they coexist, each leaning on the other, for balance. 

      This adventure in mandatory mom-cation had a bit of a rocky start. The storm clouds were ominous and depressing before revealing their silver lining. So I turned, of course, to music, and that's the real reason for this post.

      Music has always been a source of comfort for me, so as I was wrapping my mind around protecting my family's health by first protecting my own... I listened to a favorite ballad, "Superman (It's Not Easy)" by Five for Fighting. Of course, my hamster wheel brain kept right on spinning, thinking about the opposite message of another favorite, "Defying Gravity" by the Wicked Original Broadway Cast. 

      One song is full of compassion for the tired male hero: "men weren't meant to fly, with clouds between their knees"... and the other is full of fierce motivation from the newly flying female lead: "No one's gonna bring me dooooown". Well, they say life is all about balance right? This is my takeaway from overanalyzing my love of these very different songs:

      It's okay to reach for the moon, and its okay to enjoy relax on the beach, and its okay to ask for what you need, because if you don't ask, how can you expect to receive?

      Want to hear the lyrics that I love? I got you boo.

(Click here to listen to "Superman"

      Then, do an about face and try its opposite. Leave a comment if you dare, I'd love to chat about it... right after a nice long nap... and yes, I know that "normal" people call nighttime naps by the name "sleep", but I own my weirdness, and labels are optional to keep.

(Click here to listen to "Defying Gravity"

Thanks for joining me on this journey. Xoxo

~ Mama Gali

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Stop Running On the Stairs!

Have you ever found yourself rushing, running up (or down) a staircase? I have. The fear of being late, getting in trouble, being labeled unreliable... it's no picnic, and has been known to cause problems. At work, I've made mistakes by moving too fast. At home, I've caused physical and emotional stress to myself and others with the "hurry hurry hurry" mentality. And the universe taught me a lesson, as it's been known to do when we push too hard. Are you curious about why this post is called "Stop Running Up The Stairs"? I would be too. Here goes:

Today I saw a Facebook post with a cute and wise comic of a heart and brain on a staircase. And it got me thinking...

I'm definitely guilty of

a) running up the steps
b) taking two steps at a time

And that's not just a metaphor, it's also how I approach the staircase in our house (sometimes). This is not recommended and boy do I have a story to tell about that! Check out for my newest blog post, and I'll spill all the details. Where? At Falling down the stairs doesn't just happen in movies. Two years ago, I stumbled on the 3rd step from the bottom, while carrying Annabelle. She split her lip and I bruised my knee, and we both learned an important lesson in slowing down. There was no lasting damage, and we quickly applied "popsicle first aid" to AB, which helped her calm down pretty quick. Of course, hoomans have a very short attention span, and I've recently accidentally modeled the "hurry, hurry, hurry" lifestyle. Oops! Luckily, each day is a fresh start, and a new opportunity to live the values that matter. To slow down. To tackle challenges one step at a time. To be mindful in the moments big and small, and to not just skip ahead to the destination.

So, on this rollercoaster called life... "are we there yet" doesn't serve us well. When one journey ends, we rest, reload, and go 'round again.

Plus, "are we there yet" is annoying! Just ask any parent who's taken a little kid on a road trip! 🤣

Have a terrific day y'all.

P.S. Good Morning 😊

Want to see the staircase comic? I got you boo, find it here. And please please please, before you tackle the obligations and opportunities of the day, remember to stop and say, "good morning".

Friday, September 3, 2021

Why Isn’t ___ More of A Priority?!

Good Morning and Welcome!

            Today's inspiration came from the awesome and amazing Hannah Cremona, who posted this prompt: (find her group here)

My Response:

            "Honestly, I've been afraid of putting in the effort... my doctor recently told me that its clear that I'm trying... and also that I'm not giving it my best. It came from a place of love and encouragement, she genuinely want to know why nutrition wasn't a priority, when clearly, its very effective in managing my disease. It didn't take me long to reply... "I'm lazy". Changing my eating habits is HARD, or at least so I tell myself... and I believe with my whole heart that it would work... and also understand that my brain is LYING when it tells me that I can't. My heart wants to whine "its not faaaair" and as I reach for the processed convenience snack that I know my bowel will soon protest... I think to myself. You CAN resist. Life's not fair. Don't do it. After that... its a roll of the die whether I will succeed or fail, and give myself grace to try try again."

Yes, I did stage this to hide
the cluttered countertop and table 😁

            Oh my gosh the look on Dr. V's face when I mentioned resorting to Pop-Tarts! It was as if I'd said poison! And plain cheerios, that was my crazy health-nut-mom easy option... I had no idea that cereal was a no-no too! Her response... cheerios don't come off the tree like that. 😬 touche Dr. V.  (Find her info here)

            That's a truth that can't be denied. But it's not all about food. Those words of why isn't this more of a priority for you... they hit me in the feels. That applies to every. single. area. where we doubt ourselves. Don't believe me? Here's a non-food example.

Don't judge the crumbs, 
They're fresh 😇

            When my daughter struggles to clip her own carseat buckle, even though I've seen her do it before, I remember all the times that she's given up and begged for help, just 2 seconds before success. My momming strategy is to help her have the confidence and faith in herself to use that extra oomph (sound effects help y'all, seriously). So when she whines for help, I ask her to "Grab the whines. Take em out of your throat! Smash em into a ball, and throw em far away!" When I ask her where are we throwing them this time, her answers are so precious. Often its been a gleeful, ALABAMA! And a few times its been a confident, "into space!" Either way, we make a big show of sending away the whining so that we are ready to believe in ourselves. I talk her through problem solving the "I can't". Maybe move your hands? Maybe make sure its aligned in the right spot? Maybe keep going, try your very best and right when you want to give up, try just a tiny bit more..... and often, success! She is capable. She is strong. She can do so much, with a little bit of scaffolding (shout out to Vygotsky's theory of Child Development woot woot). Our kids don't need us to swoop in and take over... sometimes they just need a little support... and lightbulb moment... sometimes, so do we. 

            #Adulting isn't easy. And that's okay. We are capable. We are strong. We are NOT alone. And we've got this. For me, prayer is comforting, so if it's alright with y'all/you guys, I'm going to close with a prayer/praise. 

Abba Father, thank you for putting these words in my heart and head, and for giving me the platform and the time to share. Baruch ata adonai... blessed are you Lord, who has given us the gifts of technology and transportation, of family and faith, of strength and support. If it be thy will, we ask you to be our scaffold as we build up from your foundation. We ask you to comfort us when we look down in fear. We ask you to show us the way up, not the whole way, but enough to have the courage to take the next step. Inspired action comes from you, or strength comes from you, our souls come from you, and we are so so grateful for your abundant love, even as we turn from you in grief or frustration. Thank you for this new day, and this new opportunity to be our best. In your holy name, amen. 

            If you've made it this far, dear reader, your heart is open to receiving a blessing, and I claim it for you now. You've got this. You are capable. And if you want a little support, let me know. Truly, no judgment, I mean it when I say, I'd love to hear from you in the comments, or in a private message. Find me on, in the pages of the books "Sadness and Us" and "Fear and Us", or on Facebook in "Gali's Great Group". 

You are not alone. You are loved. You are capable. I will say it over and over until you believe it for yourself, and I believe it deep down in the place of doubt.


Mama Gali