Friday, March 13, 2020

Compassion & Coronavirus

Becky Thompson, who writes posts on Midnight Mom Devotional, summed up current feelings on her Facebook page in a way that makes so much sense.

Each of us is doing the past that we can, and instead of debating over who's coping methods are right, or better, or absolutely ridiculous, let's try some compassion.

Last night I felt hopeless, and terrified, and scared that no matter which decision I made, it would be the wrong one.

This morning I feel hopeful. We can never truly know the impact of our decisions, because we can only see their results, and not what would have or could have happened had we decided differently.

So flip a coin if you need to, keep washing your hands a lotta bit extra, and make peace with your choices, regardless of the peer pressure.

We're don't know what we don't know, so let's not panic alone.

Let's distance ourselves physically, and at the same time hug a little tighter metaphorically. Call your family, check in with friends, offer hope (and maybe toilet paper) to your neighbors.

Talk to your kids, feeding them bite sized facts washed down with lots of hope and love and comfort. 

Let's look for the silver lining in this unprecedented dark cloud, and make the most of the time that we're given.

*Digital Hugs*

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