Thursday, July 29, 2021

We're All Given Gifts - What's Yours?

        Today, I had a lovely back and forth in the comments section of a social media post. Yep, the internet isn't all bad, there is lots of love overshadowed by keyboard-warrior negativity. But I digress, as I often do, and that's okay. Want to hear the gem that inspired this post? No? Too bad, here it comes anyway. 😉

        So often we hesitate, we question, we envy the gifts of others, and consider ourselves unworthy. God gives us what we need to succeed, from the people in our paths, to the air that we breathe. When we trust in Him, hear and obey His call, THAT'S when things change, more than we imagined at all.

        I've been hearing more and more the call to take action, to climb out of rut and routine, and change my work priorities. When I hear that call, it often comes in a quote, in a comment, in a thought, and over and over my response has been to hesitate. I can't quit my job, I have bills! I can't lead a workshop, I might make a mistake! I'm not ready, I'm not worthy, I need to know the how (and a more clearly defined what) before I take that leap. 

        Over and over the self-doubt is followed by thoughts of encouragement. No. I don't need to see the whole mountain before I take the first step. I don't need to see the other side, before I set sail for an unfamiliar shore. My inner monologue (overshared here with you) is telling me "Hey dumb dumb, that's why they call it a leap of FAITH." If we knew all the answers, we wouldn't need to trust a higher power. And yet, when we do, when I have, wow such amazing things happen. In my life, I've taken a chance, and shared a meme or encouraging graphic with friends and acquaintances old and new. (Like very old. Like haven't talked in 10 years old 😆.) The responses I've received are positive (or neutral) every. single. time. Never negative. Either I'll get no answer, or I'll get a "thanks, I really needed that", or my favorite, the weeks letter reply after I've already forgotten what I'd shared. 🤣

        So I'm still figuring out my gifts and my purpose, at least the how, and that's okay. I'm going to heed that call, and take this tiny action, TODAY. I'm going to commit right now, take one baby step, and another will follow, I believe that, yep. What about you? What gifts do you have? Don't say none, dig deep, everyone's been given something, even you. Especially you. Feel free to take this question with you today, and let it plant a seed in your heart and mind. Although, I'd really appreciate if you'd comment, if you could be so kind... 

Have a wonderful day friends, and here's a comic and rhyme to end the post on a silly note. 

The Comic

Photo Credit to 

Still funny, even if you have to fill in the blank yourself!

The Rhyme

When God passed out brains,
I thought he said trains, 
and I missed mine.

When God passed out looks,
I thought he said books
And didn't want any.

When God passed out ears,
I thought he said beers
And asked for two long ones.

When God passed out legs,
I thought he said kegs
And asked for two fat ones.

When God passed out noses,
I thought he said roses
And asked for a big red one.

When God passed out heads,
I thought He said beds
And asked for a big soft one.

When God passed out hips,
I thought he said lips
And asked for two large round ones.

God am I a mess. 

~ Credit to The 1997 Chicago Tribune, Ann Landers, and Virginia in Youngstown who sent it in. Click here for the full response.

Thanks for reading this far. If you're curious about the comment thread that inspired this post, click here to read it on Facebook.

May you be blessed with vision and volition, and the inspiration to take even a tiny little step, because in hindsight, the tiny steps are actually the biggest. And in all things, remember to #LoveLouder, because love is the most powerful force of all.


Mama Gali 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Guilt, Shame, and Stigma

 Its okay to not be okay, publicly.

 Part of the pain of social media is that people tend to post their highlights - book launches, posed smiles, commitment to goals, etc. Of course we come out negative and not-enough when we compare ourselves to this polished perspective!

Today I challenge you to post a behind-the-scenes. Share a photo of your bedhead crazy hair, a story of when you gorged on snacks to fill an emotional void, an incident of anxiety or aggression.

Here's a peek at my behind-the-scenes 

For me as a poet, its not all rainbows and rhymes, and some of my most powerful works are dark and raw and resonate with the deepest darkest parts of us. 

Sure, the hurt tends to fade with the light of each new day, and I'm not fishing for pity, but...

The guilt and shame

 are strong and relentless, 

and if we hide our pain,

we only have ourselves 

to blame.

Will you help me #StopTheStigma by telling a behind-the-scenes story #LoveLouder applies to being kind to ourselves, as much as to others.

I'm not quite brave enough to post a fat-face tired-eyes selfie, so here's a photo of my bedside table, with the mother's day succulent that I killed by watering literally once in 2 months, my favorite hairbrush that I lose and eventually find (within the freakin house) at least 6 days a week, and the cough drops that I was too stubborn to use, but also haven't yet found the motivation to put away.  Not pictured are 3 baskets of clean laundry waiting for attention, a sink full of dishes abandoned overnight, a floor that hasn't been swept in quite a few days, and shows it. The guilt and shame over all these tasks undone is often overwhelming, and yet I often spend nights scrolling for hours, "too tired" to tackle the tasks. 

I know WHAT to do, years of therapy and loving learning have taught me all sorts of tricks and tactics. Finding the energy and motivation to start the laundry, to maintain doctor-ordered food restrictions, to set aside emotional escapes and actually sleep... that's a different story.

Will you join me in sharing the mundane, bad, and ugly, instead of always only the polished and pretty? It would mean the world.

Thanks for reading this far,


Mama Gali

Thursday, June 24, 2021

"Let It Go" - Easier Than It Sounds?

Hello dear readers,

Thank you for being here. Now I bet you didn't expect to be appreciated before actually getting to the topic of this post, but I'm glad that you're here. 

Even if you don't stay (and that's totally okay), I hope that something on this site, resonates today. 

This morning I had a pretty amazing interaction in a group on social media, and instead of keeping it hidden in a comments thread, I'm taking a chance and sharing it here for all the internet to see (HA, I know I'm not popular! Yet?....) Here goes.

Daily Quote/Conversation Starter

“One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what’s hurting your heart and soul.” — ​Unknown

Comment from Renate Z.

"Sounds easy... 😅... sometimes unconcious believes can make that a bit difficult... 😅"

Reply from me, tapping into something bigger and wiser than myself. 

"When we peel back layer by layer, and do the work of bringing the unconscious into consciousness, that's a big step towards healing. 

One technique that fascinates me is called ladders. Its a quick way to uncover core beliefs, at least for me anyway.


 I'm stressed at work because I have too much to do and not enough time to do it.

- So what happens if you don't do it?

... I could get fired.

-So what if you get fired?

... I won't be able to pay bills

- So what if you can't pay bills?

... I could lose my house

- So what if you lose your house?

... My kids won't have a safe/warm/dry place to sleep.

- So what if they don't?

... Then I'm a terrible mom.

So in the matter of 3 minutes, I figured out that I push myself to the point of burnout at work (and often snap at hub and kids) because im afraid of being a terrible mom.

Now that I've uncovered that belief, I realize how much a lie it is, and that the job isn't whats really important in my life. "

For more amazing quotes and conversations, click here to join a group hosted on Facebook by the incredible Jenny Schmal. Don't let the title fool you, married/single/or other this group will add value to your life. 

WOW. Society tells us that hard things are "easier said than done", but honestly, this revelation took me less than 5 minutes once I stopped believing it was so hard and took the first step to think about it. We psych ourselves out about so many "big" problems in our lives, but psychology techniques like "Laddering" from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a lot easier than it sounds. 

When we use fancy words, sure it sounds kind of elitist and "not for me". But really, psychology is basically the science of understanding human behavior. Believe it or not, a lot of very smart people have figured a lot about how our brains and behaviors tend to work, and without all that much effort, we can peek into this wealth of knowledge, and withdraw what we need. 

Like Aladdin in the "Cave Of Wonders" or Elsa (and Anna!) in the "Forbidden Forest", we can change so many lives by having the courage, to just try. 

Photo Credit: 

I hope that you're encouraged by this share, 

and that you give yourself grace to not compare.

I hope that you let go

Of one belief that is your foe.

Or at least take a tiny step

If you seek it, there's lots of help.

Not all support, is only for the rich

There's so much free online,

If you let your mindset switch.

Call out your "cant", 

That's the end of my rant. 

Claiming and manifesting peace, love, and patience, for you and me and all the world to see. 


Mama Gali