Friday, March 13, 2020

Compassion & Coronavirus

Becky Thompson, who writes posts on Midnight Mom Devotional, summed up current feelings on her Facebook page in a way that makes so much sense.

Each of us is doing the past that we can, and instead of debating over who's coping methods are right, or better, or absolutely ridiculous, let's try some compassion.

Last night I felt hopeless, and terrified, and scared that no matter which decision I made, it would be the wrong one.

This morning I feel hopeful. We can never truly know the impact of our decisions, because we can only see their results, and not what would have or could have happened had we decided differently.

So flip a coin if you need to, keep washing your hands a lotta bit extra, and make peace with your choices, regardless of the peer pressure.

We're don't know what we don't know, so let's not panic alone.

Let's distance ourselves physically, and at the same time hug a little tighter metaphorically. Call your family, check in with friends, offer hope (and maybe toilet paper) to your neighbors.

Talk to your kids, feeding them bite sized facts washed down with lots of hope and love and comfort. 

Let's look for the silver lining in this unprecedented dark cloud, and make the most of the time that we're given.

*Digital Hugs*

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Parenting Hack #88

Parenting is hard. 

I'm not talking open a stuck jar hard, I'm talking brings you to the edge of a nervous breakdown hard.  (Skip to the very bottom if you have a twitter sized attention span and/or are currently juggling a fussy toddler, baby, dog, boss, and/or spouse)

Raising tiny humans, adorable is they might be, is the toughest challenge I've ever faced. Now, I've never climbed Everest or run a marathon and don't plan to either), so maybe I've set the bar low. On the other hand, I have spent 92 straight minutes (actually probably more) trying and failing to soothe a hurting baby, a baby who's escalating screams are biologically designed to irritate me.

Well guess what evolution, you won, I trusted my mommy instincts and drove that little demon straight to the pediatrician, no appointment, no ducks given.

Turns out his screaming wasn't my fault. It was an ear infection. No toy, snack, or lullaby would've fixed that screaming.

So, since Barney and Elmo and Daniel Tiger and of course my mom and dad taught me that sharing is caring, I'm going to share one of favorite (so far) parenting hacks. I hope y'all will share your favorites in the comments too.  😎

Here goes...

The backstory:
My nearly 9 month old baby boy recently got an ear infection, probably his 4th (yay me). He HATES his antibiotics, which have to be given twice a day, with a meal. Before I discovered this parenting hack, I got to clean up baby vomit. A LOT of baby vomit. It was all over the baby, the floor, and of course, my shirt. Hey, at least he missed my hair this time! 😀

Oops more backstory:
So the scientist in me analyzed the problem. This kid makes these adorable disgusted faces after the medicine, followed by not so adorable gagging and puking. Okay, it tastes bad. So now what? Well what tastes good? Formula! Nom noms.

So, this is what I've done the last 4 doses, and OMG no more puke, hooray!

The actual hack:
STEP 1: Prep the baby syringe and sit Mr. Trouble in his high chair.

STEP 2: Get him laughing aka open wide and sneak in a little squirt of medicine.

STEP 3: Chase with formula.

STEP 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the full dose has been swallowed.

STEP 5: Do a victory dance, you both earned it!

Until next time,
Peace, love, and permission to rest,
Mamagali xoxo

Thursday, February 27, 2020

I'm NOT Alone, And Neither Are You

Today I took a huge step in my journey for healing. 

I asked for help.

Sounds simple, right? 
Well this wasn't simple for me. 
It took mountains of courage, more than I knew that I had.
I gave up some independence, 
admitted that I have a problem, 
and asked for help. 

My request was very specific, 
there was no room for misunderstanding.
I admitted what has been denied for so long, years actually. 
I admitted that I can't be trusted. 
I can't be trusted to take prescribed medication, one pill daily that my rational mind knows is needed.  My heart knows that the medication helps. 
My body has felt the effects time and time again. 
And yet. 
For some ridiculous reason, the problem continues.

For years now I've been non-compliant.
Procrastinating, making excuses, telling myself there's always tomorrow. 
So many times I promised myself and others that I'd do better, try harder.
So many times I failed. 
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So why would I keep doing the same thing over and over? 
Why would I promise that I'd do better, when that hadn't worked in the past?  


Because admitting defeat is a really hard thing to do.
Because giving up your independence, asking to be treated like a child, shook me to the very core.
It contradicted everything that I wanted for myself. 
I wanted to be strong, to be independent, to be trustworthy. 
I wanted to be disciplined, smart, and rational, not like those characters in the movies that walk alone in the woods while the scary music plays, oblivious to the danger that's so obvious to everyone else. 
I wanted to be the exception to the rule.
Well, we don't always get what we want.

It took a huge amount of courage to admit that I have a problem. 
I have a problem taking my prescribed medication. 
One stupid pill each day, not even a big one, that can and does change the course of my life. 
They say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. 
Today, I took that first step. 
I admitted to myself that I'm living in denial. 
I've been living there for a long time, and it's not helping me or anyone around me.
It's time to make a change.

I don't want to have this diagnosis, this curse, this life sentence.
Maybe I don't deserve this.
Maybe I've done nothing wrong.
But maybe, just maybe, it's not all about me.
Maybe I AM strong enough to survive, brave enough to share my story, determined enough to make a change on a larger scale.

Maybe it's all part of the grand design, the big picture, fate.
Maybe this curse isn't a curse after all, but a blessing in disguise.
Maybe it's not me that is being blessed, but me that is being used to bless others.

I'm no martyr.
I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm some messiah, some angel, some savior. 
I'm really not. 
But maybe my experience, my story, can give someone else one tiny glimmer of hope.

A tiny little spark can ignite a massive explosion.
An ember left uncovered can start a forest fire, destroying everything in it's path.
An idea, a fleeting moment of inspiration, can change the course of history.
One tiny glimmer of hope, 
one itty bitty light at the end of a long dark tunnel, 
is sometimes all it takes.

So here I am, baring my soul.
Admitting for all the world to read that I have a problem.
I don't take my medication as prescribed, 
sometimes I "forget" so often that it's not even in my system anymore, and I have to start from scratch.

Here I am, admitting that I'm in denial. 
This diagnosis doesn't define me... but it does affect me. 
Like it or not it's part of my life, and it's here to stay.

So I asked a loved one to treat me like a child. 
I asked for help with this one jumbo shrimp of a problem. 
Something so small, so insignificant, and yet at the same time so massively important.

Medication can mean the difference between life and death.
My brain knows that, 
my heart knows that, 
my body knows that.
And yet.

It still sucks that I couldn't do it alone. 
It really freaking stinks.
And that's okay.

It's okay to ask for help.
As someone very wise in my life recently said... 
"Don't believe the lie that you have to face your problems alone".

I'm not alone, 
and neither are you.

I don't know your story, your diagnosis, your struggle, and that's okay.
It's okay be anonymous, to be vague, to keep it secret.
It's okay to ask for help, a hug, a meal, a babysitter.

