Friday, July 31, 2020

What's calling you?

A job is great
it pays the bills
careers achieve our goals

But a calling
fans the flame within
fills the hole
inside our souls

This is going to be a short post (relatively) because it's really a teaser to inspire new viewers to check out some other places, previous posts, my poetry book (!), a few really incredible fb groups, etc. (Links to all at the end.) This post is about the voices that call us, like the voice that calls Elsa in Frozen II, like the voice that talks to Lizzie McGuire in that old Disney tv show, like the gut feeling that whispers do this or do that or sometimes... don't.  

We are all called to think and say and do all kinds of things. Not everyone knows their "true calling", but maybe you've heard that little nudge in your heart, and maybe following its advice will take you one step closer. 

Above is an excerpt from a poem called "Calling" and there's plenty more where that came from.

When nature calls, in whatever way that manifests, heed the call. 

Take it from someone who shat their pants literally and figuratively, don't wait.

I challenge you to try

Mama Gali

Monday, July 13, 2020

Life Hack - Permission to Prioritize

Life Hack #782

Remember that you're human,

 and choose 3 high priority tasks from your list.

Let me say it louder for those in the back...



Even before I became a mom, but definitely more so now that I juggle a full time job and two kids under age 4, I felt the need to accomplish alllllll the things. If I walked a mile, I'd kick myself for not running it. If I drank an extra glass of water, I'd kick myself for still not drinking the recommended 8 glasses per day. For some idiotic, idiopathic reason, I have consistently and constantly pushed myself harder than is reasonable, and responded to the inevitable perceived failures with depression and burnout. This "If I don't do everything then I've failed" mindset hasn't served me well, and with this post I commit to do the work of kicking it to the curb. And yes, it's work. I will slip up, and that's okay. Every moment is an opportunity to restart the effort. 

Anyone else guilty of
trying to do everything?

Changing a deeply ingrained thought pattern isn't easy, so I hope that if you're reading this, you'll help to hold me accountable. When I reach out to you, and even when I don't, take a second to remind us both, that no one asked us to do everything. At work, around the house, in parenthood, and on vacation, it's okay to not do everything. Sometimes, I even follow my own advice and relax! 

  • Sometimes my kids eat ice cream for breakfast, but at least they're getting dairy in their diet. 
  • Sometimes we eat microwave nuggets and baby carrots smothered in ranch, but at least we are blessed with food and electricity. 

When people say "Count Your Blessings", I don't think they intend for us to pretend that life isn't stormy, and stressful, and sticky (how are toddlers always sticky?!). For me (and you can quote me on this) to count your blessings means to look for rainbows and silver linings, to focus with every step on that light at the end of the tunnel, and to give ourselves the grace of not constantly seeking more, and better, and faster. 

💃   Who cares if people stare 
when you dance in the rain
they're just jealous that
 they haven't given themselves
 permission to dance too! ðŸ’ƒ

So next time someone rains on your proverbial parade, smile through it, flip them a mental bird, and use that rain to fuel your growth! You are a badass, unicorn, lovely and loved rockstar, and in case you haven't given it to your yourself, you have my permission to kick fear in the face and live your best life. (Of course, if your best life includes leaving a comment on this blog or sharing the link with a friend, that's would be super fantastic and I wouldn't hold you back... 😆)

SHOUT OUT to Diane Xuereb and Denise Pink for inspiring this post with their recent podcast, "What If It's Not True". (Click this link to listen)

Sending vibes of peace and love,
light and laughter, and lots of relaxation,
from your friend and mama bear,
Gali (internationally-known* author of "Love Louder" 💞)

*Disclaimer: The people who know me internationally already knew me before publication, and may or may not be friends and family. Either way, sounds pretty cool, right? 😆