Good morning world wide web, another day brings another poem.
Today's poem is actually about poetry itself, and gives a little peek into why I write, and why you might want to read it. Please enjoy my newest original work below, and if it resonates, consider leaving a virtual tip or reading more here.
Pick Up A Poem
When life knocks you down,
and you're not ready to get up,
pick up a poem.
Pick up a poem
Or write one yourself
Resonate and recover
As you take a deep breath
There's so much to love
beauty lives all around us
so pick up a poem
you'll be glad that you did
For my entire childhood and even into adulthood, my mom would tell me "life isn't fair". I must've heard that almost every day as a teenager, because I wanted so badly for there to be justice. Sometimes the unfairness dims our inner light. Sometimes the flame within our hearts takes so much effort to maintain, that we wonder if it's even worth trying. Anyone who's tried online dating would probably recognize that feeling. The phrase "you're not alone" isn't a cliche, it's a fact.
LIFE ISN'T FAIR, and that can be really a tough thing to handle when you're the one getting beaten down by the short end of the stick. Platitudes like "it'll get better" might be well-intentioned, but they're really hard to believe when you're sitting in the muck. So here's a different strategy, pick up a poem, or write on of your own.
OMG you guys I published some of my poetry! |
If you have any questions about the self-publishing process, or poetry, or motherhood, or anything under the sun or beyond, I'm happy to chat.
Sometimes all that we want is to give up and wallow in apathetic frustration, or scream in pain and rage, and those are the moments when we need a friend or stranger to #LoveLouder and fan our flame.
Sending vibes of peace and positivity
love and light
hope and help,