Friday, November 6, 2020

Give Me Just 3 Minutes of Your Time, I Dare You...

 "Time Well Wasted" - a new original poem 11/6/2020

"Time Well Wasted" 

- a new Gali Rosas original poem 11/6/2020

When your time runs out,

Whenever that might be,

Will you wish you'd done more?

When your time runs out,

Whether that's time today, time this weekend,  time in your life,

Will you be proud of all that you've accomplished?

When your time runs out,

And it's winding slowly down,

Will you look back on your choices with regret?

Ask yourself what it looks like,

When your time runs out,

And if you don't like the answer,

Choose a different choice. 

You always have options,

Even if you feel stuck,

And you're never alone 

In this journey.

#TimeWellWasted #Poem #FreebieFriday #GoForthAndBeAwesome

How long do you spend mindlessly scrolling? It's okay, I won't judge, my number is far higher than I'm proud to admit. 

What would you do with that time, if you could do anything in the world, and not fail? 

So often we procrastinate, we hesitate, we doubt our abilities, until suddenly, quick as a wink, quick as a blink, our hourglass is empty. We each are gifted with 1,440 minutes in each day/night, not a minute more, and not a minute less. How will YOU choose to spend your minutes?

- Will you give 110% at your job?

- Will you constantly tidy up, and keep a spotless home? 

-Will you pray without ceasing, and give your cares to God, or stress about everything, and constantly count down? 

-Will you make the world a better place, using what unique talents your own personal blend of nature and nurture has provided?

There is no one exactly like you on this planet or any other, and the world needs what you have to offer. So today, as you consider the minutes you have left, how will you choose to spend them?

Take back your time,
choose choice!

Your time is valuable, even if it's just scrolling time, and you have choices. Thank you for reading this far. Consider giving me just 3 minutes of your time, to read a recent post or watch a recent video, you won't regret it or your money back! #3MinuteChallenge

XoXo and Love Ya Lots,


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Just One Person

Do you ever feel like your dreams or desires are too huge/impossible, so what's the point in even trying?

I wonder how many of our heroes felt the same. 

When someone that we admire dies, memorials and obituaries usually focus on their accomplishments and their impact on others. 

How often have you seen or heard a comment about an idolized person, "she was plagued by self-doubt" or "He wasn't even that special"... not often, right?

We put these people up on a pedestal, because it gives on a excuse to expect less from ourselves. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a rockstar, and her legacy will be written in the history books for years to come. Mahatma Ghandi was a legend, and I could never do what he did. Mother Theresa, Oprah, Donald Trump (yeah you read that right - keep reading) all these people are game-changers whether you agree with/align with their results or not. These are names that mean something (no comment on what they mean...). 

This is not a political post, this is not an invitation to attack one side or another. This is an invitation to stop holding yourself (and others!) back. Stop censoring your dreams and mine.

Yes, I'm just one person, but clearly, recent events have shown us that one person can havs a pretty amazing impact on the world. 

In the Passover Hagaddah, there is a song called "Dayenu" (sing it with me Hebrew school peeps!) - and it translates to "It would have been enough". Had God freed us from slavery and not smited our enemies, it would have been enough. Had God fed us in the desert and not given us the Torah it would have been enough. Had God done this and this and this and that, it would have been enough... and still He blessed us with more. 

So consider this. Had RBG fought and won 1 case in front of the Supreme Court, and not become a justice herself, it would have been enough. Had she championed women's right to work for equal pay without the level discrimination of the 1930s, it would have been enough. It would have been enough, but still she didn't rest, she didn't stop fighting for change, she kept pushing and working towards her goals. And wow what an impact she had. Whether you support her views or not, you can't deny that she left a legacy, and I'm here to tell you that so can you.

Stop telling yourself this "I'm just one person" (insert swear if you want) narrative.

Stop selling yourself short.

Yes, I'm just one person, but one person CAN change the world. So join me. Or don't. I'm gonna do it anyway 😁

If you liked what you read, and also if you didn't, click here for a catchy song with some pretty fun lyrics about the power of "little people" and don't ever think it's an insult to call me little, because my heart is big.


Mama Gali

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Take Back Your Power

Have you ever felt powerless? 
I sure have.

 When I pooped my pants (more than once) as a seemingly healthy adult, I felt powerless over my body and my invisible illness. When I started having passive suicidal thoughts out of nowhere during sophomore year of college, I felt powerless over my mind (cue invisible illness #2, lucky me). I've powerless over relationships, over weight loss, over career, over parenting, over stress levels, over housework and car maintenance.

The feeling of being powerless is isn't new to me, and it wasn't born from the current pandemic, although it does feel like it got a steroid boost lately.

What's new is my growing confidence. What's new is my tribe of online friends, the domino effect of one fb group leading to another and another and the immense value that each of those lovely ladies has brought into my life. 

To a friend that makes me smile, YOU HAVE POWER.

Shout out to Elizabeth for the card making materials. I hope that you like what I've done and am doing with them. Click here to check out her gorgeous designs and card kits for sale!

So today I'm committing to taking back my power. Because yes, broken crayons still color, but we also need to stop believing this lie that we're all broken. Let's collect all those pieces of our soul crayons, stick em in a star shaped mold and melt ourselves into something new and unique and amazing.

Crohn's Disease won't defeat me, I refuse to let it. I've learned my food triggers and my stress triggers, and I HAVE POWER, if not to cure, at least to "take steps" and manage it. I have power to register for CCFA Take Steps and fundraise for research. I have power to take care of my body before it takes care of me.

General Anxiety Disorder and Bipolar Disorder won't defeat me, I refuse to let them. I have so much to live more, so many things to see and do, so many people who's days I can brighten before I leave this world. I've learned my triggers, and many many coping techniques, and now it's up to me, to use that knowledge.

Knowledge is power. So read articles, watch videos, talk to others, listen to that still small voice that guides you from within. Take back your power, and stop waiting for a better tomorrow to fall into your lap.

We can make each day better, in a million tiny ways, you have the power, even when you feel the most powerless. Are you with me?

Mama Gali