Do you want this year to be better? Me too.
So what are we gonna do about it???
I say "we" because you're not alone, and neither am I. 90% of men, women, and children struggle on our path to success because we try to do it all and have it all without symbiotic support. Symbiotic is a fancy biology word for "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours". And you can fact-check that all you want, it's not fake news because 88% of all statistics are made up on the spot 😉.
My life lessons for 2020 are listed below, in a graphic, in a poem, in a list, because that's the way that my mind works. If you're in a rush, and too lazy to read all the way through (yeah I said it) here's a spoiler. The year, the month, the minute, they're as good or as bad as you decide that they'll be, and that's not an exaggeration. Each of us has so much more power over our attitude and over our circumstances than we give ourselves credit for. How do I know?
I've learned it and I've lived it.
If you need a scientific study to believe what I'm telling you, they're out there. If you prefer to pray about it, well nothing's standing in your way. If you prefer to just read on, and make up your own mind, c'mon then, here we go.
The Gali-Original Graphic
The Gali-Original Poem
"Here's How"
When we collaborate,
when we conversate,
when we courageously create,
when we conversate,
when we courageously create,
THAT'S when the magic happens.
When we're authentic, when we're true,
when we follow our hearts
stop thinking, and DO
THAT'S when the magic happens.
Decision time friends.
Will you choose to keep waiting,
to keep wishing, to keep wanting,
Or will you take inspired action,
and make magic with me?
The Gali-Original Bonus Poem
You don't need my permission, but you have it all the same.
It's time to take the wheel and drive, or if you prefer, take the reins.
Whatever metaphor you end up choosing, the end result doesn't change.
The power is yours. The choice is yours.
What you will you choose?
The Gali-Original List
1. Dream Your Destiny
2. Plan Your Path
3. Take Inspired Action
So now that I've shared my life lessons from 2020 in all sorts of different formats, what have I decided
I've decided that I'm going to choose laughter. When my house and my heart feel chaotic, I'm going to choose not to scream, I'm going to choose not to stress, I'm going to choose not to cry. Instead, I choose laughter, I choose love, I choose life. And if and when I forget, I'll give myself permission to try again.
Those moments of the day, those Manic Mondays and Terrible Tuesdays, each ordinary playlist of Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat. Those moments make the memories that we'll look back on when we're older. One of my favorite songs taught me how many minutes make up a year (spoiler alert - its 525,600 minutes), and we have so much more power over how we spend those minutes than we believe.
So if you feel trapped, then move. You're not a tree!
It really is that simple. Now, I'm not advising you to quit your job today, but I'm also not advising you to stay. I'm just saying, stop overcomplicating everything, stop living in a prison of your creation and then complaining that its uncomfortable. Now, before you accuse me living in a glass house and throwing stones, I hear myself. I know that these words are for me as much as for you. Personally, I believe God gave me this gift over words so that I can use it. So that when I put pen to paper and when my fingers fly, maybe, just maybe, I'll stop stop "I". Maybe my eyes will be opened at last, and maybe yours will too.
So as 2020 comes to an end, my lessons learned are these. Choose Laughter. Choose Life. Choose Joy. Choose them every minute of every day, and if you stumble, get back up. It won't be easy, but you're not alone, and neither am I. The bible says "All things are possible...", and if you fire your cynical side, your skeptical side, your doubts, maybe you'll start to believe it as much as I do.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Take inspired action TODAY. There's really no reason to wait, and let me know how it goes. I'd love to support you on this wild ride, and even share mine too.
If you haven't made it this far, well you've already clicked away, so you won't even see when I release my inner toddler and use a gif to make a face at you!
Sending you peace, love, and light, in this year and the next,
Your friend, Mama Gali
Your friend, Mama Gali