Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Take Back Your Power

Have you ever felt powerless? 
I sure have.

 When I pooped my pants (more than once) as a seemingly healthy adult, I felt powerless over my body and my invisible illness. When I started having passive suicidal thoughts out of nowhere during sophomore year of college, I felt powerless over my mind (cue invisible illness #2, lucky me). I've powerless over relationships, over weight loss, over career, over parenting, over stress levels, over housework and car maintenance.

The feeling of being powerless is isn't new to me, and it wasn't born from the current pandemic, although it does feel like it got a steroid boost lately.

What's new is my growing confidence. What's new is my tribe of online friends, the domino effect of one fb group leading to another and another and the immense value that each of those lovely ladies has brought into my life. 

To a friend that makes me smile, YOU HAVE POWER.

Shout out to Elizabeth for the card making materials. I hope that you like what I've done and am doing with them. Click here to check out her gorgeous designs and card kits for sale!

So today I'm committing to taking back my power. Because yes, broken crayons still color, but we also need to stop believing this lie that we're all broken. Let's collect all those pieces of our soul crayons, stick em in a star shaped mold and melt ourselves into something new and unique and amazing.

Crohn's Disease won't defeat me, I refuse to let it. I've learned my food triggers and my stress triggers, and I HAVE POWER, if not to cure, at least to "take steps" and manage it. I have power to register for CCFA Take Steps and fundraise for research. I have power to take care of my body before it takes care of me.

General Anxiety Disorder and Bipolar Disorder won't defeat me, I refuse to let them. I have so much to live more, so many things to see and do, so many people who's days I can brighten before I leave this world. I've learned my triggers, and many many coping techniques, and now it's up to me, to use that knowledge.

Knowledge is power. So read articles, watch videos, talk to others, listen to that still small voice that guides you from within. Take back your power, and stop waiting for a better tomorrow to fall into your lap.

We can make each day better, in a million tiny ways, you have the power, even when you feel the most powerless. Are you with me?

Mama Gali